Friday, July 6, 2012

Paddle boating to the Lennon Wall

Back tracking a little bit. The first weekend we were in Prague, a group of us went paddle boating out on the river as well as going to check out the Lennon Wall. Paddle boating was AMAZING! Being out on the water, having the sun shinning without being ridiculously hot and humid, people watching and just relaxing and seeing the sights of Prague was one of my favorite moments of the trip so far. 

A few days earlier, we had also visited the Lennon Wall. The Lennon Wall was once a regular wall, but in the 1980's, it began to become painted with Beatles inspired graffiti and is still painted present-day. And near the Lennon Wall, there are Love Locks, which are pretty much locks that couples write their initials/names on and put on a gate over a canal, and then throw the key into the canal to signify their everlasting love. Adorable, right? Yes, except for the fact that there have been people who fall out of love and then come back in an attempt to get the keys back...oops!
Representing California!

If we ever start a band, this will be our album cover

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