Friday, July 13, 2012

Hey there zlatíčko, guess what I'm #3 in...

As I was trying to look up how to say "men" in Czech, I happened to stumble upon a website with a title of "10 Reasons to Give Czech Men a Chance". They say that curiosity killed the cat. in this case, my curiosity led me to one of the most ridiculous and funniest articles I have read in a long time. 10-reasons-to-give-czech-men-a-chance . And now, in typical Lena fashion, I will proceed to share with you the thoughts that came to mind while perusing this fine piece of literature.

Intro Photo: I should give them a chance because they drive dusty mini-buses?

Picture 2: Obviously it is the goat that makes these men desirable. Or the fact that that man looks like a goat. Either way, not convinced to give Czech men a chance just yet.

Reason 10-Czech men will always tell you how you look: As much as I love and appreciate honesty, and ladies, correct me if I'm wrong, I also appreciate a man who can tell a little-white lie in the "honey, how do I look" answer department instead of telling me the flat out truth. Now men, don't get me wrong, I want you to be informed if I look like a demented circus clown, but no need to tell me about this "muffin top" that the article so kindly mentions. So be a good boy and follow your mother's rule of "if you have nothing nice to say, don't say anything at all" or at least sit by Clairee Belcher (classic Steel Magnolias reference)

Reason 9-Czech men don´t over analyze: Not over analyzing seems like a good thing. Unless they don't think at all...

Reason 8-Czech men are not afraid of P.D.A: We know. We're seen you sucking face in broad daylight in a park. Not always a fan.

Reason 7- Czech men don´t play games: This seems like a refreshing change. I can dig this. Then again, I think all women (me included) read too much into everything to begin with and perhaps all guys are actually that simple.

Picture 4: Not exactly what I would call extremely attractive men. Then again everyone has their own tastes. Still not convinced.

Reason 6-Czech men rank among the EU´s most well endowed: Only thing I can think is "who in heaven's name does this research and how did this study even get conducted"

Reason 5- Czech men don´t wear baseball caps: Nothing wrong with a baseball cap once in a while. Although this reason could be something I could get behind.

Reason 4- Czech men will shower you with pet names: Although I have no desire to be called "zlato","zlatka",or "zlatíčko", I am a fan of pet names. Point for the Czech men's team.

Picture 5: What is that man sitting in in the middle of the street?

Reason 3- Czech men are thrifty—and that´s a good thing: In other words, they are cheap.

Reason 2- Czech men won´t think less of you after casual sex: Hmm, a man who doesn't complain about casual sex. Such a novelty.

Reason 1: Czech men aren´t afraid of commitment: They also aren't afraid of divorce.

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